First of all, yes, we have a chat room! Come check it out!
From the The Real Essential Questions of Every Beta:
Every site comes with its official chat room. This is created automatically and can be reached from the Site Switcher on the top left. The chat room is the third place of your community, after main and meta. It is like the lounge where everybody can get together to discuss, complain and have fun. Personalizing this space to reflect your community and what you are is one of the small steps to take towards building an active and engaged community.
Lots of SE sites have cute/funny/punny/clever names for their chat rooms, such as:
- Academia SE (The Ivory Tower)
- Physics SE (The h Bar)
- Movies and TV SE (The Screening Room)
- Super User (Root Access)
- Unix & Linux (/dev/chat)
So: What should OR.SE's chat room be called? Post one idea per answer, and let's vote!