This is a spin-off of a meta discussion at How closely should we stick to Stack Exchange norms?. It came up in that discussion that some other SE sites use a "soft-question" tag for questions that deviate from SE norms. In particular, I think this (or a similar tag) may be used on questions that ask for opinions or (possibly) might have multiple correct answers. Should we have such a tag, and, if so, what should it be. Possibilities I've seen so far include the following.
- No tag: we should nuke such questions.
- No tag: we can just leave those questions as posted, with no particular designation.
- Tag with "soft-question".
- Tag with "subjective".
- Tag with "experience-based" (the question seeks experiential responses).
- Tag with "discussion" (a tag that already exists; I'm not sure if it is intended for use only on "meta" or is appropriate for the main site).